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Bringing disabled women together, mobilising
and sharing through lived experiences

NE Women with Disabled People’s organisations (on tackling VAW together)


with Caroline Airs


with Sonali Shah

with Sonali Shah

NE Women invited us back to speak :

A conversation between women’s organisations and disabled people’s organisations

Wednesday 12th Nov 2014 – MPH Training & Conference Centre, Gateshead NE10 0HW

with Chair’s Welcome, introduction and context for the event –

Caroline Airs, with

“Hidden Voices: Disabled women who are survivors of violence,” Dr Sonali Shah, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Glasgow and

Using CEDAW, CRPD and other human rights frameworks to tackle VAWG

(an overview) with Roweena Russell, Co-ordinator, North East [End] Violence against Women

and Girls Network and Eleanor Lisney, Director of Sisters of Frida CIC.