Sisters of Frida Home

Bringing disabled women together, mobilising
and sharing through lived experiences

Webinar launch:

Disabled women’s perspectives on Independent Living during the pandemic 

6.30-8pm Friday 21st May 2021

We are pleased to announce the launch of our ground-breaking research 
into the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on disabled women.  
Building on our briefing on disabled women and the pandemic, this 
research (funded by the Smallwood Trust and National Lottery 
Community Fund) will support us to create solutions and lobby for 
change. Through focus groups, it collects together a wide variety of 
intersectional disabled women’s experiences and concerns, most of which are made invisible in policy-making and society. The aim is to support us to make independent living a reality for everyone.

Come to our webinar where we will be discussing our findings with 
brilliant panellists : msunnia, Rachel O’Brien, Tumu Johnson, Dennis Queen and Martha Foulds. Dennis will also perform one of her songs for us.


Brown woman with white rimmed glasses lying on grass. Text reads ''''I stand with Palestine'

msunnia is a queer crip feminist, with a background in campaigns and organising. msunnia is also the co-organiser of Criposium, a symposium on disability and intersectionality.

Rachel O’Brien is a member of the Sisters of Frida steering group. Her day job is doing public affairs for a Disabled People’s Organisation and campaigning to improve the rights of Disabled people. She is also a workplace rep for Unite the Union.

Blonde white woman with dark rimmed glasses, smiling with dimples

Martha Foulds is a disability rights activist living in Sheffield. She is currently a university student and helps co-ordinate the Sheffield Transgender Solidarity Network.

white woman with punish hair playing a guitar

Mx Dennis Queen is a queer, disabled musician based in Manchester. She has been involved in the disabled people’s movement for 20+ years campaigning, performing and volunteering at disabled people’s organisations. As well as being a panelist, Dennis will perform a piece for us.

young black woman smiling broadly into camera with fuzzy hair.

Tumu Johnson is a mental health worker and group facilitator with experience of working in front line support services, research and community organising. She is currently studying for a Masters in Mental Health Studies whilst working in the NHS and also provides freelance training around mental health and wellbeing.

Tumu, from the Sisters of Frida’s Steering Group, will be chairing the webinar.


Register in advance for this webinar:

BSL interpretation and captioning will be provided at this meeting, and 
it will also be livestreamed to Youtube.

We hope to see you there!

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twitter : @sisofrida #sofvoices

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